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  • School Cleaner

    Corby Old Village Primary School

    Corby Old Village Primary School is a small village school set within the heart of the historic Corby Old Village.  We are looking for a School Cleaner to join our dedicated and hard working team and we look forward to hearing from you.
  • Education Support Worker

    On Track Education Northampton

    • To plan, deliver and evidence parts of individual learning programmes 1:1 or in small groups, including undertaking appropriate risk assessment • To maintain an awareness of safeguarding and making this a priority, reporting all concerns promptly • To implement strategies to support pupils with Special Educational Needs to access learning throughout the school day, building rapport and being a trusted adult • To provide specific and targeted support, depending
  • Maths Teacher/Tutor

    On Track Education Northampton

    THE JOB • Undertake subject teaching responsibility and ensure all pupils develop their knowledge and skills and make good progress in their learning • Work with the Head Teacher and Leadership team to deliver a sequenced curriculum which builds knowledge and skills towards agreed end points • Effectively monitor the progress of each pupil, checking their understanding systematically and effectively, putting in place clearly directed and timely intervention
  • Deputy Head Teacher

    Edgewood School

    If you are an enthusiastic and inspirational Assistant Head, current Deputy or a Senior Level Teacher with line management experience and have experience teaching young people with SEN, then get in contact today.
  • Class Teacher

    St Mary’s Church of England VA Primary Academy

    We are looking for a temporary teacher until July 2025, this will be either Year 1 or Year 3. It is possible that this position would be made permanent at a later date.

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